Thursday, 30 August 2012

Comeback :)

assalamualaikum :)

so how's everyone? it's August the 30th and its been several months since I've updated my blog. I missed writing here :') However I didn't have a laptop and this is a hectic semester for me. AND also, the saddest semester :(

why? well apparently I'm an EGOMANIAC. *sebab tu la aku hilang kawan HAHAHAHA*
I admit that I have a CONCRETE head. keras hati sangat nak mintak maaf. That's why semester nie I LOST my friends. hmmm hmmm okey enough about that.

On the bright side however, :D this semester is a LOT easier than the previous semester. jyeahhh!
The subjects are pretty easier and all my tests and quizzes score were great! Alhamdulillah!

There's another one more month and its the end of semester three. Laju sangat masa berjalan and sedar tak sedar, dah nak habis diploma :)

Actually ade banyak sangat I nak kongsi but it's hard to let it all out. I will cry if I poured it here. So the best solution is that I pray and make Du'a to Him and pray for the best. Banyak sangat problem :(

these are some pictures taken when i was out with my besties :)

fatin, mar and aina :)

this may be the last time we meet each other before fatin went for Medic in Indonesia and aina went for her second year in Dentistry , in Jordan. Mar is taking Human Science in UIA . and I'm stuck here in Machang :( 
they are really2 my TRUE friends. my Maahad friends. I missed Us in Maahad guys. when we are struggling for SPM. I don't mind going back to the SPM year as long as i could spend my time with you guys . 

we're eating at Tutti Frutti and then Fatin realised that the pictures taken before were not saved! 
*so semua kelam kabut tangkap gambar banyak2 sebab dah nak balik*

lagi dua tahun baru jumpa balik :'( I'm gonna miss you guys! 

*tengah usha tiket bandung because we are planning to go and meet fatin INSHA ALLAH next year :) *


~ayie itu aku juga~