Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Being 23 .

Mungkin dah terbiasa, asal birthday aku je mesti public holiday (CNY). Hadiah terbesar aku ialah aku tak payah kerja on my birthday . Good enough =)

Macam biasa bila dah menganjak umur makin tua, mulalah macam fefeeling 'what have I achieved for the past 23years' hahaha . Aku rasa baru dua minggu kerja, tapi dah start rasa tak rapat dengan semua kawan2 uni hahaha . lagi lagi bila aku pergi jumpa aten dengan mar weekend lepas, mengadu nasib susahnya nak cari kawan yang clique dengan diri aku .

Tersalah mengadu nasib, pergi cerita dekat psychologist dengan doctor kot . Hamek kau berjela jela hujah dia pasal personality . Rindu gila kat Mar, and the last time we see each other was 2 years ago kot. padahal mengada kan macam jauh je Gombak dengan Setiawangsa tu. pangg sekali.

Aten being sweet with the sushi king birthday treat. And I insisted to treat them to some cup of happiness hahaha . I am so used to treat other people so when she asked me to help myself with the sushi , I kind of hesitated since that is rare of me being treated =') Kadang2 I don't really mind tapi since its my birthday, I was having a trip down the memory lane, macam eh so far jarang ade orang belanja aku , selalu aku yang bermurah hati . But then dah janji tahun 2016 nie nak lepaskan the past, malas nak bother benda lama. Secretly, I do have some people that I think that I can let go in my life. 

Tak nak sebut and tak nak ingat sangat pun . And truthfully the reason I'm babbling is because the final exam result is out tomorror. Tak tau nak rasa apa, dah macam palpitation melampau . 

Please lulus semua ayie . Tak mampu nak bayangkan aku kena ambil supplementary paper cuti2 nie . Nak sambung intern je terus ya Allah. 

huishh takut.